CRISP Annual Summit
Find the 2024 Summit Recordings and Slides Below
Check a new article on Value Based Care by our CRISP Leadership here.
The CRISP annual summit was held virtually on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024! Thank you once more for joining us at the virtual CRISP Annual Summit. We trust you found value in our event. All session recordings and PDF slide decks are available on this page below.
Slide Decks:
CRISP's Executive Director, Megan Priolo, kicks off the CRISP User Summit with her opening remarks about the sessions for the day.
In this session, speakers will explain advancements and transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of healthcare. The discussion will start with an exploration of the fundamental principles of AI, what it is, and what it is not. Next the speakers will explain its potential use in complex systems such as healthcare, provide some real Healthcare use cases, and how CRISP is working on implementing AI.
This discussion is comprised of a panel of Maryland’s healthcare leaders who will discuss the ongoing transformation throughout the state i.e. the AHEAD Modeal. Topics will range from effective partnership strategies to the evolution of the Total Cost of Care Model. Each panelist has a unique perspective on CRISP’s delivery system and will share how we can all be best positioned to provide high quality care.
Listen as members from Adventist HealthCare explain how they leverage CRISP data to improve their patient transition of care and follow up.
Explore how CRISP is working with various partners to address social determinants of health in innovative ways. CRISP will moderate a panel discussion on how the health care system can leverage health IT to promote equity in Maryland.
Each year, the Health Services Cost Review Commission requires Maryland hospitals to submit digital quality measures. CRISP and Medisolv work in partnership to support the HSCRC to collect the Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) and data elements needed to calculate hybrid quality measures. In this session, learn how these teams were successfully able to collect eCQM data from participants throughout the state.
CRISP Summit 2024 -Listen to CRISP's CEO Craig Behm share his thoughts on the future of CRISP. Watch our exclusive interview with Quality Insights, our 2024 Patty Brown Award Winner.
In the CRISP Application Basics, our team will discuss what CRISP is and the various applications we offer. We will demo how to use the most common application provided by CRISP. Through we will share use case example of what type of healthcare organization could benefit from use. Lastly, we will share how various applications work together to improve patient care.
CRISP's Senior Director of Program Administration, Megan Priolo, kicks off the CRISP User Summit with her opening remarks about the sessions for the day.
Explore the history of MDH & CRISP's partnership of innovation to improve the health of Maryland. The Secretary of Health for Maryland, Dr. Herrera Scott outlines the challenges and opportunities for CRISP and MDH in the future.
This presentation provides an overview of the CRISP InContext Application. The beginning focuses on why a user would utilize the CRISP InContext Application and what data sources populate the application. Next, CRISP reviews how to navigate the platform and details all the various features at a user's disposal.
CRISP Summit 2023 -Listen to CRISP's CEO & current advisor Craig Behm share his thoughts on the future of CRISP. Watch our exclusive interview with Mr. John Hartline, executive director of our 2023 Patty Brown Award Winner: Wheels to Wellness.
Understand key regulations and framework the Maryland Health Care Commission and Civitas developed on Health Data Utility for the state of Maryland. Learn about the latest projects, tools, and support CRISP is working on to serve as a Health Data Utility for the state. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Anna Gribble: Program Manager at MHCC; and Laura Mandel: Public Health Data Lead at CRISP.
Listen as Stephanie Brown, Executive Director of CRISP DC; Kyle Russell: CEO of VHI; and Nichole Sweeney: General Counsel and Privacy Officer of CRISP Shared Services; explain the partnership of CRISP Shared Services. Stephanie and Kyle explain the benefits of the partnership from their own districts (DC & Virginia) HIEs prospective. Nichole ties the whole presentation together by explaining CRISPs role in the partnership and in national networks.
Review how CRISP is working with the MDPCP program on various tools to support SIHIS -Statewide Integrated Health Improvement Strategy . Learn how primary care providers can leverage CRISP referral & Maryland 211 program, and the Maryland Health Equity & Digital Quality Measures Project. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Emily Gruber: MDPCP Health Equity Program Manager; and Candice Morrison: MDPCP Coach and CRISP SME.
Learn how Care Transformation Models are operating in the state of Maryland and at the National Level. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Amy Bassano, Managing Director, Medicare, Health Management Associates (HMA); and Willem Daniel, Deputy Director, Payment Reform, HSCRC.
This session highlights the work of FASST: Food Access And Support Services Team. Additionally the group discusses how CRISP Infrastructure to help demonstrate program value and the challenges/opportunities of Community Based Collaboration. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Stephanie Archer-Smith, Executive Director, Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, Inc; Charles G. Tildon, III, Vice President, External Affairs, University of Maryland Medical System; Marc Rabner, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, CRISP Shared Services.
CRISP's Executive Director, Craig Behm, kicks off the CRISP User Summit with his opening remarks about the sessions for the day.
Explore how CRISP is working with various partners to address social determinants of health in innovative ways. CRISP will moderate a panel discussion on how the health care system can leverage health IT to promote equity in Maryland.
This discussion is comprised of a panel of Maryland’s healthcare leaders who will discuss the ongoing transformation throughout the state. Topics will range from effective partnership strategies to the evolution of the Total Cost of Care Model. Each panelist has a unique perspective on CRISP’s delivery system and will share how we can all be best positioned to provide high quality care.
Understand key interventions the Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center is focused on to combat overdoses. Learn about the latest tools that have been developed to assist in collectively addressing the overdose epidemic in our region in the PDMP and elsewhere in CRISP. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Marianne Gibson: Project Coordinator at OOCC; and Maia Gottleib: PDMP Project Manager at CRISP.
Listen to CRISP's prior CEO & current advisor share his thoughts on the Health Information Exchange industry. Watch our exclusive interview with Dr. Galvagno, medical director of our 2021 Patty Brown Award Winner: The Critical Care Coordination Center (C4) Leadership Team.
Listen as Diane Lepley, Senior Director: Care Coordination Health Policy and Outcomes at Johns Hopkins Medicine; Pamela Mercer: Director of Quality and Transformation at Johns Hopkins Medicine, MSN, RN; and Toshunia Robinson: Manager of UM Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology; explain how they leverage CRISP products, such as smart alerts and blind panels, to improve their patient transition of care and follow up. Cindy Gingrich: Advisor and Account Executive; defines key terminology and answers questions on how users can set up these CRISP products.
Learn how CRISP is working with various partners to integrate or modify existing products, originally built to support the COVID-19 response, to now address additional public health needs in the state. CRISP would like to thank our speakers Ryan Bramble: Chief Operating Officer of CRISP Shared Services; and Alana Sutherland: Chief of Health Information Exchange in the Maryland Health Care Commission’s Center for Health Information Technology and Innovative Care Delivery.
Review how CRISP is working with the MDPCP program on various tools to promote health equity. Learn how primary care providers can leverage Heart Payment (ADI), and the quality data extraction tool to improve patient care. Emily Gruber: MDPCP Health Equity Program Manager; and Candice Morrison: MDPCP Coach and CRISP SME.
Craig Behm, Executive Director of Maryland for CRISP, welcomes you to the #CRISPVirtualConference2020!
David Horrocks, President and CEO of CRISP, talks about how Innovation is the key to moving forward in 1 of 2 general sessions for the #CRISPVirtualConference2020.
Gene Ransom, MedChi, and Dr. Dan Morhaim have an open conversation about the legislative perspective on healthcare in general session 2 of 2 at the #CRISPVirtualConference2020
Dwight Raum, CIO, Johns Hopkins, talks to us as our keynote speaker about reflections, aphorisms and prognostications of the tumult that COVID-19 has thrown onto innovation this year at the #CRISPVirtualConference2020.
Image Exchange (IX), is an online image sharing service that allows CRISP users to view patient diagnostic images in one central location. Learn about the Image Exchange service and take a deep dive into how IX can support Cardiology use cases.
CareFirst will offer a vision for the effective use of clinical data to improve health outcomes and reduce administrative burdens in the health care system. This presentation will include an update of CareFirst’s EHR data proof of concept, lessons learned and the emerging policy environment related to interoperability.
This session focuses on the development of a Patient-Centered community by integrating clinical services to support primary care. Attendees will learn the elements included in a Patient-Centered community, and understand Comprehensive Medication Therapy management as it relates to a pharmacists role.
Get Real Health will demonstrate that telehealth, third-party applications and RPM are not a passing nod to COVID-19 but rather poised to become an integral part of ongoing care delivery both in the US and abroad.
Learn how CRISP Reporting Services integrated multiple datasets to develop COVID-19 dashboards to support state and local policymakers, hospitals, and post-acute facilities in responding to the pandemic. Attendees will learn how to access these reports and how to interpret them to support decision making for their organization.
This session will outline the collaborative work being done between the Maryland Department of Health, the Maryland Primary Care Program, CRISP, and a host of other organizations to improve care delivery across Maryland.
Voice Your Choice (VYC) is a community-based program that promotes advance care planning through education and outreach. Learn about how the VYC program interacts with CRISP, as well as examples of how information about CRISP is shared with health care providers and the community.
During this session, attendees will learn about the history and recent advances in CRISP’s ability to support research, become familiar with the data request application process and understand the opportunities for clinical research via CRISP.
Understand the power of partnerships through a collaborative approach to treating high utilizers of healthcare and take a deep dive into the strengths of these partnerships as it relates to the EMS and hospital collaboration to improve care for patients.
How can your organization take ADT data exchange to the next level? Find out how CRISP has advanced their alert and event notification strategies by implementing new features that leverage data from the Encounter Notification Service (ENS®). In this session, hear from ENS’ technology partner, Audacious Inquiry, and the CRISP team to learn about ENS’ recent enhancements and how they’ve been put to use this year. You will gain a better understanding of functionalities including SmartAlerts, which aids decision making and delivers meaningful notifications to providers, in addition to ENS’ Census View, a tool used to identify patients on a panel that have recently been admitted or discharged from a hospital, and ENS’ ability to facilitate COVID-19 alerts. Not only have these features help shape the success of care teams in 2020, they will become increasingly valuable into 2021.
The CRISP InContext platform gives providers the ability to access critical health information and alerts about patients within their EMR workflow (such as prescription data, lab results, radiology reports, etc) without ever having to login into the Unified Landing Page. Learn more about the CRISP InContext app and a host of upcoming enhancements that will help provide clinicians with the right information, in the right place, at the right time.
The Patty Brown Innovation Award recognizes an individual or team that contributes to advancing health care in Maryland. Recipients must be innovative in the ways in which they collaborate with people and organizations across the health care continuum. They must show strategic thinking as they lead others in pragmatic solutions with health information technology. Above all, their approaches are mission-driven and always aimed at supporting better health for our patients and communities. Congratulations to the Mobile Integrated Health Program!!! We appreciate all the work you have done for the healthcare community!
Craig Behm, Executive Director of Maryland for CRISP, closes out the #CRISPVirtualConference2020 and provides next steps.