CRISP will host the next CTI User Learning Collaborative on Thursday, August 12th from 11:00pm – 12:30pm via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Also, please forward this invitation to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating! We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
The HSCRC submits to CMS the Care Partner Vetting List, based on information from the EQIP Entity Portal (EEP). Due in EEP 8/31/21 for 2022 and 8/31/22 for 2023.
CRISP will be hosting a virtual meeting to answer questions and accept oral comments on September 7th, 2021, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. You can register for the meeting by reaching out to Adrienne Ellis, Advisor to CRISP at
CRISP will host the next primary Care User Learning Collaborative on 9/17/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with Jeff Bahen @!
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CRISP will host the next primary Care User Learning Collaborative on 9/17/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with please contact your CRISP Account Manager (see below):
Paul Cummings,
Cindy Gingrich,
Paul Gleichauf,
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CRISP will host the next CTI Learning Collaborative on 9/24/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with Alycia Steinburg @!
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CMS provides the Approved Care Partner List for the year, based on PECOS and program integrity reviews.
Note: CMS law enforcement review will not be completed until a later date. Care Partners that fail law enforcement vetting will be automatically removed from the program.
The HSCRC submits for review the proposed EQIP Track Implementation Protocol(s) for the upcoming year. Uploaded to CMS Salesforce Portal.
CMS will accept or reject within 30 days of receipt.
CRISP will host the next CTI Learning Collaborative on 9/24/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with Alycia Steinburg @!
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CRISP will host the next primary Care User Learning Collaborative on 11/19/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with Jeff Bahen @!
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
HSCRC provides to CMS the signed Participation Agreement(s) for new CRP Entities. Applies only to new PAs.
CMS to accept or reject submitted Track Implementation Protocol(s).
CRISP will host the next CTI Learning Collaborative on 12/10/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with Alycia Steinburg @!
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CRISP will host the next Health System Learning Collaborative on 12/14/2021 via Zoom. The proposed agenda is TBD. We would welcome and appreciate your feedback on any proposed topics for future meetings.
Please forward this event to any colleagues you think may be interested in participating and have them connect with please contact your CRISP Account Manager (see below):
Paul Cummings,
Cindy Gingrich,
Paul Gleichauf,
We appreciate your involvement and look forward to working with you.
CMS notifies the HSCRC when the Participation Agreement(s) have been signed by CMS.
The Hospital submits to CMS its certified quarterly Care Partner List, including any additions from the CMS-approved Care Partner List that has been added since the previous certified quarterly Care Partner List.
The HSCRC submits to CMS the Certified Care Partner List via the CMS SalesForce Portal, based on information from the EQIP Entity Portal (EEP).
The HSCRC submits to CMS Hospital Incentive Payment Pools.
Activity happens twice a Performance Period at the conclusion of the reconciliation process (ECIP)/payment period (HCIP).
CMS provides the Hospital with the approved Care Partner List.
This list determines which Care Partners the Hospital can add to its Certified List for the upcoming quarter.
CMS notifies the HSCRC of the Physician Incentive Payment Cap, if applicable.
CMS notifies the HSCRC of the Physician Incentive Payment Cap, if applicable.
The Cap applies to all incentive Payments made to providers during the Performance Period.
The Hospital submits to CMS its certified quarterly Care Partner List, including any additions from the CMS-approved Care Partner List that has been added since the previous certified quarterly Care Partner List.
The CRS team will be holding two identical webinars for this report release. These webinars will cover the updates and changes made to the MPA reporting suite. These webinar are NOT intended to cover the MPA Policy, but rather give an overview of the reports available in CRS to view performance under the MPA policy.
CMS provides the Hospital with the approved Care Partner List.
This list determines which Care Partners the Hospital can add to its Certified List for the upcoming quarter.
The HSCRC submits to CMS its CRP Monitoring Report.
In PP6 the CRP Monitoring Report shifted to a semi-annual schedule; the CRP Monitoring Report will no longer be on a quarterly schedule.
The CRS team will be holding two identical webinars for this report release. These webinars will cover the updates and changes made to the MPA reporting suite. These webinar are NOT intended to cover the MPA Policy, but rather give an overview of the reports available in CRS to view performance under the MPA policy.
The CRS team will be holding two identical webinars on the Quality Financial Impact Dashboard (QFID), which will cover the features and functionality of the QFID reporting suite – including the new multi-hospital view. The team will record and publish these webinars on our website for future reference. These webinars are NOT intended to cover the HSCRC Quality Policies but rather give an overview of the QFID dashboard available in CRS to view hospital performance under these policies.
The HSCRC submits to CMS proposed Track Implementation Templates amendments for Performance Period 8, as well as potential new Track Templates.
The first date is for new Track Templates. CMS will accept or reject within 60 days of receipt.
The Hospital submits to CMS its certified quarterly Care Partner List, including any additions from the CMS-approved Care Partner List that has been added since the previous certified quarterly Care Partner List.
Participants can enroll in EQIP Performance Year 2, via the EQIP Entity Portal
CTI Performance Year 2 baseline data will be available in July’s CTP update. This data will reflect the HSCRC’s default hierarchy for all intra-hospital overlaps, prioritizing the smallest to largest CTI regardless of thematic area. If participants would like to customize your hierarchy please let the HSCRC know by Friday, July 8th via email to: […]
The HSCRC submits to CMS proposed Track Implementation Templates amendments for Performance Period 8, as well as potential new Track Templates.
This date is for updates to the existing Track Templates. CMS will accept or reject within 60 days of receipt.
The HSCRC submits to CMS proposed updates to the EQIP Track Implementation Template for 2023.
CMS to accept/reject within 60 days.
Please let this be a reminder about the EQIP Subgroup, hosted by MedChi on Friday, July 15 at 09:00am via Zoom. This meeting with be recorded if you are unable to attend. Please reach out to to be added to distribution list.
The CRS team will be holding two identical webinars on the Quality Financial Impact Dashboard (QFID), which will cover the features and functionality of the QFID reporting suite – including the new multi-hospital view. The team will record and publish these webinars on our website for future reference. These webinars are NOT intended to cover the HSCRC Quality Policies but rather give an overview of the QFID dashboard available in CRS to view hospital performance under these policies.
The Care Transformation Steering Committee was convened to discuss how the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) can support hospital’s care transformation work. Questions related to the schedule and location of meetings should be directed to: Register by clicking ‘View Event’ below.
CMS accepts or rejects all proposed Track Implementation Templates for Performance Period 8.
This date is for the new Track Templates.
The HSCRC submits to CMS the Care Partner Vetting List, based on information from the EQIP Entity Portal (EEP). Due in EEP 8/31/21 for 2022 and 8/31/22 for 2023.
CMS accepts or rejects all proposed updates to the EQIP Track Implementation Template for 2023.
CMS provides the Hospital with the approved Care Partner List.
This list determines which Care Partners the Hospital can add to its Certified List for the upcoming quarter.
CMS accepts or rejects all proposed Track Implementation Templates for Performance Period 8.
This date is for updates to existing Track Templates.
Please let this be a reminder about the EQIP Subgroup, hosted by MedChi on Friday, September 16 at 09:00am via Zoom. This meeting with be recorded if you are unable to attend. Please reach out to to be added to distribution list.
The HSCRC submits to CMS Hospital Incentive Payment Pools.
Activity happens twice a Performance Period at the conclusion of the reconciliation process (ECIP)/payment period (HCIP).
CMS provides the Approved Care Partner List for the year, based on PECOS and program integrity reviews.
Note: CMS law enforcement review will not be completed until a later date. Care Partners that fail law enforcement vetting will be automatically removed from the program.
The Hospital submits to CMS its certified quarterly Care Partner List, including any additions from the CMS-approved Care Partner List that has been added since the previous certified quarterly Care Partner List.
The HSCRC submits for review the proposed EQIP Track Implementation Protocol(s) for the upcoming year. Uploaded to CMS Salesforce Portal.
CMS will accept or reject within 30 days of receipt.
Hospitals may make Incentive Payments to care partners for Performance Period 7.
Incentive Payments may only be made after hospitals are notified of the Incentive Payment Pool and Incentive Payment Caps. Incentive Payments will be based on information contained in the certified CRP Reports. A three month extension may be placed on the incentive payment dates for ECIP participants to allow for a 90-day claims runout.
HSCRC provides to CMS the signed Participation Agreements for Performance Period 8.
Applies only to new PAs.
CMS to accept or reject submitted Track Implementation Protocol(s).
The HSCRC submits to CMS its CRP Monitoring Report for Q1 & Q2 2022.
In PP6 the CRP Monitoring Report shifted to a semi-annual schedule; the CRP Monitoring Report will no longer be on a quarterly schedule.
CMS provides the Hospital with the approved Care Partner List.
This list determines which Care Partners the Hospital can add to its Certified List for the upcoming quarter.
CMS notifies HSCRC when new Participation Agreements have been signed by CMS.
CMS to accept or reject all submitted Hospital Track Implementation Protocols for Performance Period 8
The HSCRC submits to CMS the Certified Care Partner List via the CMS SalesForce Portal, based on information from the EQIP Entity Portal (EEP).
The HSCRC submits to CMS the Hospital Incentive Payment Pools.
Happens twice a Performance Period at the conclusion of the EQIP reconciliation process.
Dates are estimates and hospital incentive payment pool submission depends on data availability.
Session 1 – Friday March 3rd -12 to 1pm – Outcomes and Costs Associated with Evidence-based Treatment of First Episode Psychosis Research shows that expeditious and comprehensive treatment of first episode psychosis (FEP) positively impacts a range of clinical and social outcomes. This webinar will showcase the estimated the prevalence of psychosis among Maryland commercial […]
Session 2 – Friday March 10th – 1 to 2 pm – Evaluation of Maryland Medicare Spending on Inpatient Care Maryland has an arrangement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding hospital reimbursement based on a fixed global budget to avoid unnecessary inpatient utilization. This webinar summarizes the results of the investigation […]
Session 3 – Thursday March 16th – 1 to 2 pm – Evaluation of Maryland Medicare Spending on Chronic Conditions The Maryland Total Cost of Care (TCOC) Model builds on earlier models that achieved cost savings by focusing on reducing inpatient costs. This webinar summarizes the total costs of care for Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries […]
Please note this meeting has been CANCELED. The next EQIP meeting will be in May 2023. Please reach out to to be added to distribution list.
Session 4 – Friday March 24 – 10 – 11 am – Health Care Costs in Baltimore Relative to Other Urban Areas in Maryland This webinar explores differences in 2019 per-capita costs of care between counties in the Baltimore area and other urban counties in Maryland, before and after risk adjustment for patient complexity. Analyses […]
The CTI Application Process will open on April 4, 2023, and close on June 30th. Hospital can keep, drop, or modify CTI for the upcoming performance year.
Hospitals may make Incentive Payments to care partners for Performance Period 7.
Incentive Payments may only be made after hospitals are notified of the Incentive Payment Pool and Incentive Payment Caps. Incentive Payments will be based on information contained in the certified CRP Reports. A three month extension may be placed on the incentive payment dates for ECIP participants to allow for a 90-day claims runout.
Please let this be a reminder about the EQIP Subgroup, hosted by MedChi on Friday, May 19 at 09:00am via Zoom. This meeting with be recorded if you are unable to attend. Please reach out to to be added to distribution list.
The CRISP Learning System is hosting a webinar on the methodology for the Care Transformation Initiative (CTI) on Wednesday, May 31st from 2:00pm – 3:00pm. This webinar will walkthrough the construction of a CTI episode from base claims to reconciliation.
The CTI Application Process will close on June 30. Hospital can keep, drop, or modify CTI for the upcoming performance year.
Incentive Payments may be made to EQIP Care Partners for 2022 performance
Year 3 of the CTI will begin on July 1, 2023
EQIP MSK Educational Session with MedChi and CRISP
The CRISP team is holding a webinars to demonstrate the alerts & reporting capabilities in ENS PROMPT. The webinar is an hour in length. We encourage your organization to attend this webinar for a brief overview and training on these features. Please click on the link below to register for the session. Our team will […]
The CRISP team is holding a webinars to demonstrate the alerts & reporting capabilities in ENS PROMPT. The webinar is an hour in length. We encourage your organization to attend this webinar for a brief overview and training on these features. Please click on the link below to register for the session. Our team will […]
The CRISP team is holding a webinars to demonstrate the alerts & reporting capabilities in ENS PROMPT. The webinar is an hour in length. We encourage your organization to attend this webinar for a brief overview and training on these features. Please click on the link below to register for the session. Our team will […]
CRISP will be demonstrating their Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) suite of tools, including the Social Needs Data tab, Screening tool, and Referral applications. The CRISP e-Referral and Search Programs application are now live in both InContext and Portal. These applications allow users to send referrals for their patients to various community-based organizations. The search […]
CRISP will be demonstrating their Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) suite of tools, including the Social Needs Data tab, Screening tool, and Referral applications. The CRISP e-Referral and Search Programs application are now live in both InContext and Portal. These applications allow users to send referrals for their patients to various community-based organizations. The search […]
CRS will be demonstrating their Health Equity Explorer suite of reports, including the Disparity Index and the Social Determinants of Health Report. Health Equity Explorer is a suite of reports designed to give users an understanding of a given community’s health disparities and social determinants of health. The suite currently contains two reports: 1. Disparity […]
Performance Period 9.
CRISP will be hosting training on our InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. As clinical information is created and shared with CRISP, it is made accessible in real-time to participating healthcare providers across institutional boundaries through the InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. Our team will show users how to navigate the application to find patient information. Please click […]
CRISP will be hosting training on our InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. As clinical information is created and shared with CRISP, it is made accessible in real-time to participating healthcare providers across institutional boundaries through the InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. Our team will show users how to navigate the application to find patient information. Please click […]
CRISP will be hosting training on our InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. As clinical information is created and shared with CRISP, it is made accessible in real-time to participating healthcare providers across institutional boundaries through the InContext/Clinical Information Service Application. Our team will show users how to navigate the application to find patient information. Please click […]