Market Shift

Reports built for users to understand hospital Market Shift under HSCRC's GBR


Market Shift Report is a document that provides information and analysis on changes in market dynamics within Maryland’s healthcare system. This report is typically focused on examining shifts in patient volumes, payer mix, service utilization patterns, and other factors that impact hospital finances and operations.

Here are key aspects included in the HSCRC Market Shift Report:

  1. Market Analysis: The report analyzes trends and changes in the healthcare market, including shifts in patient populations, payer sources (such as Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurance, and self-pay), and payer reimbursement rates. It may also examine changes in healthcare delivery models, such as the growth of accountable care organizations (ACOs) or changes in physician practice ownership.
  2. Patient Volume Trends: The report assesses changes in patient volumes across hospitals and healthcare facilities in Maryland. This includes analyzing trends in inpatient admissions, outpatient visits, emergency department utilization, and other measures of patient activity.
  3. Payer Mix Changes: The report examines changes in the mix of payers contributing to hospitals’ revenue streams. This may include shifts in the proportion of patients covered by government payers (Medicare and Medicaid) versus commercial insurance or uninsured/self-pay patients.
  4. Service Line Utilization: The report may analyze trends in the utilization of specific healthcare services or procedures, such as surgeries, diagnostic imaging, laboratory tests, and specialty consultations. This helps hospitals understand changes in patient demand and adapt their service offerings accordingly.
  5. Financial Implications: The report assesses the financial impact of market shifts on hospitals’ revenue, expenses, and overall financial performance. This may include examining changes in operating margins, net patient revenue, and other financial metrics.

More information about how Market Shift is factored into the HSCRC’s GBR can be found on the HSCRC website.


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