HSCRC Total Cost of Care (TCOC) Workgroup and Medicare Performance Adjustment (MPA)
TCOC Workgroup and MPA
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TCOC Workgroup and MPA
The Medicare Performance Adjustment (MPA) is a required element for the Total Cost of Care Model and is designed to increase the hospital’s individual accountability for total cost of care (TCOC) in Maryland. Under the Model, hospitals bear substantial TCOC risk in the aggregate. However, for the most part, the TCOC is managed on a statewide basis by the HSCRC through its GBR policies. The MPA was intended to increase a hospital’s individual accountability for the TCOC of Marylanders in their service area. In recognition of large risk borne by the hospitals collectively through the GBR, the MPA has a relatively low amount of revenue at risk (i.e. 1 percent of Medicare fee-for-service revenue).
The MPA includes two “components”: a Traditional Component, which holds hospitals accountable for the Medicare total cost of care (TCOC) of an attributed patient population, and an Efficiency Component, which rewards hospitals for the care redesign interventions. These two components are added together and applied to the amount that Medicare pays the hospitals. The MPA is applied as a discount to the amount that Medicare pays on each claim submitted by the hospital.