Check a new article on Value Based Care by our CRISP Leadership here.
CRISP is seeking the development of a Healthcare Provider Directory. CRISP envisions this directory will leverage a variety of data feeds and data types.
Healthcare Provider Directory RFP
Healthcare Provider Directory User Stories
Healthcare Provider Directory Vendor Follow-Up Questions
Healthcare Provider Directory High-Level Overview
Responses to this RFP should be submitted by Friday, February 10, 2017 at 5pm EST to Seth Sacher at Seth.Sacher@
Submission Clarifications
It is CRISP’s intention to rigorously reduce scope and cost of this engagement. As such, we believe it is in our best interest to solicit a solution that leverages our existing investments in IBM InfoSphere v10.1 and/or Salesforce. We strongly prefer to not support a system or database separate from what we already have; a system that uses the InfoSphere or Salesforce database as the master is ideal.
“Deference will be given to providers with solutions that are capable meeting future requirements, marked as “Future” on the tab “Use Cases” within the excel sheet “CRISP_HealthcareProviderDirectory_Requirements”.” – We are not considering additional use cases; all responses should be exclusively focused on the core use case, Consumer Provider Lookup (Benefits Exchange Provider/Plan Search).
“If you would like to share your ability to satisfy the other provided use cases, use whatever means and methods you feel are appropriate to convey your message.” – As mentioned above, we are not considering additional use cases at this time.
Timeline Updates
In addition, CRISP will routinely answer and post to our website questions and answers related to this procurement. It is assumed that all Q&A will be finalized by Friday, February 10, 2017 at 5pm EST. Please email questions and requests for clarification to: Seth Sacher Seth.Sacher@