Check a new article on Value Based Care by our CRISP Leadership here.
As of August 3rd, we are happy to announce that out-of-state PDMP information can now be viewed within CRISP! Users with access to view Maryland PDMP information will now see an “Interstate PDMP” tab available along the top of the patient’s chart. By clicking on the Interstate PDMP tab, other state data is automatically searched and displayed. You also have the ability to print the PDMP information and view it in PDF format.
Currently, we are able to exchange information with Virginia. Other states will be added over time, starting with neighboring states and high priority states of interest. Also coming in the future is the ability to view the Maryland PDMP information within the same view and format as out-of-state PDMP information! We will send another announcement when this feature is available.
For instructions on how to access the PDMP interstate sharing data, click here.