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HCIP Administration RFP
HCIP Administration RFP Q&A
CRISP is seeking to engage a partner to implement day-to-day operation of the HCIP program as the HCIP Administrator. The HCIP Administrator selected under this Request for Proposal (RFP) will build on the substantial HCIP and Care Redesign development work to date to provide the following services, including but not limited to:
• Coordination with Maryland Hospital Administration (MHA) processes for engaging hospitals for recruitment, as well as engagement and coordination with additional stakeholders to support care partner participation;
• Program operations requirements and hospital and care partner program materials;
• Training, education, and technical assistance for hospitals and care partners;
• Data collection, analysis, and reporting; and
• Program monitoring.
CRISP will consider bids to complete one or more subsets of the scope of work. As an outcome of this solicitation, CRISP will enter into one or more contracts in anticipation of the HCIP launch date of July 1, 2017.
Responses to this RFP should be submitted by April 10, 2017 at 5 p.m. (EST) to Jazmin Hampton at Jazmin.Hampton@ Proposals will be accepted via email in .pdf or .doc(x) formats. Bidders should submit the proposal as one file with all content included, or as two files—one with the proposal content and a second with the appendices.